Sweet Dreams!
The Stepanova Times
Collection Project
1960s Feminine Fashion
Bavarian Festival
The Condon Report
The 826 Loo-A-Vil
Filter Focus
Object Project
Emotional Baggage
“We’ve got the skills & the gills!”
channel: graphic design/branding
keywords: poster design, type, image, mockups
826 is a store and tutoring center that focuses on having a theme for each chapter related to its city. For this project, Louisville was the chosen city. The concept is that "the nearby Ohio River has become polluted by waste from the town, which has led to mutant fish monsters curating a place to lure and trap humans. "The project's focus was to create all the different brand elements that share the same fun feel as the other 826 stores across the U.S.
Beginning with a LOT of research, I narrowed down my subject to focus on aquatic life. I felt I could go in many directions with it that could be fun and exciting for both children and adults.
Preliminary Sketching
After sketching, The 826 LOO-A-VIL became the official name!
Preliminary Sketching
After sketching, The 826 LOO-A-VIL became the official name!
Final Poster
Throughout the process, I gained a lot of knowledge in branding. As this was my first significant branding project, I learned how lockups work and how iterating will lead you down the right path.